Does Apple Watch Count Steps If Arms Aren’t Moving?

If you are an Apple Watch user, you may have wondered whether your watch still counts your steps even if your arms aren’t moving. This is a common concern, especially for people who engage in activities that don’t involve arm movement, such as cycling or pushing a stroller. In this article, we will answer the question: does Apple Watch count steps if arms aren’t moving?

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How Does Apple Watch Count Steps?

Before we answer this question, it’s essential to understand how Apple Watch counts steps. The watch uses a built-in accelerometer to measure the movement of your body. When you walk or run, the accelerometer detects the motion and counts your steps based on the number of times your foot hits the ground.

The watch also uses algorithms to differentiate between different types of motion. For example, it can distinguish between walking and running and adjust the step count accordingly. This technology ensures that your step count is accurate and reliable.

Does Apple Watch Count Steps If Arms Aren’t Moving?

The answer to this question is yes. Apple Watch counts steps even if your arms aren’t moving. As we mentioned earlier, the watch uses an accelerometer to detect motion, so it can count steps based on the movement of your legs.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind. If you are pushing a stroller or a shopping cart, the watch may not count all of your steps accurately. The same goes for activities like cycling or using an elliptical machine, where your arms are stationary. In these cases, the watch may not detect all of your steps, and the step count may be lower than the actual number of steps you take.

How to Improve the Accuracy of Step Counting?

If you want to ensure that your step count is as accurate as possible, there are a few things you can do:

Check the Fit of Your Apple Watch

First, make sure that your Apple Watch fits snugly on your wrist. If the watch is loose or slides around, it may not detect all of your movements accurately. Adjust the band so that the watch fits comfortably but securely.

Calibrate Your Apple Watch

You can also calibrate your Apple Watch to improve the accuracy of step counting. To do this, go to the Settings app on your watch and select Privacy. Then, select Motion & Fitness and turn on the Calibration switch. Follow the on-screen instructions to calibrate your watch.

Use Third-Party Apps

Finally, you can use third-party apps to track your steps. These apps may use different algorithms or sensors than Apple Watch, which can improve the accuracy of your step count. Some popular step-tracking apps include Pedometer++, StepsApp, and Runtastic.


In conclusion, Apple Watch does count steps even if your arms aren’t moving. However, the accuracy of the step count may be affected by certain activities, such as pushing a stroller or cycling. If you want to ensure that your step count is as accurate as possible, you can adjust the fit of your watch, calibrate it, or use third-party apps to track your steps. With these tips, you can make the most of your Apple Watch’s step-tracking features and stay on top of your fitness goals.


Does Apple Watch count steps accurately when cycling?

The accuracy of step counting may be affected by activities like cycling, where your arms are stationary.

What are some popular step-tracking apps for Apple Watch?

Some popular step-tracking apps for Apple Watch include Pedometer++, StepsApp, and Runtastic.

Can Apple Watch accurately count steps while pushing a stroller or shopping cart?

Apple Watch may not count all of your steps accurately while pushing a stroller or shopping cart, as the movement of your arms may not be detected by the accelerometer.

How important is it to have an accurate step count on Apple Watch?

An accurate step count is important for tracking your fitness goals and monitoring your physical activity levels. By using the tips outlined in this article, you can improve the accuracy of your step count on Apple Watch and stay on top of your fitness goals.