How to Change Time Format on U8 Smartwatch?

If you own a U8 smartwatch, you may have noticed that the time format doesn’t match your preference. Whether you prefer a 12-hour or 24-hour format, being able to change the time display on your smartwatch is essential. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of changing the time format on your U8 smartwatch, ensuring that your watch displays time in the format that suits you best.

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Accessing the Settings Menu

To begin the process of changing the time format, you need to access the settings menu on your U8 smartwatch. The settings menu allows you to customize various aspects of your smartwatch’s functionality, including the time display.

To navigate the smartwatch interface, use the buttons or touchscreen, depending on the model of your U8 smartwatch. Look for the option that grants you access to the settings menu. It is usually represented by an icon resembling a gear or a cogwheel.

Changing the Time Format

Once you have located the settings menu, it’s time to proceed with changing the time format. Follow these steps:

  1. Enter the settings menu on your U8 smartwatch.
  2. Within the settings menu, look for the option related to time settings or clock settings.
  3. Once you have found the time format option, select it to enter the time format configuration screen.

Confirming the Changes

After selecting the time format option, you will be presented with different options for the time display. Choose the desired time format, either 12-hour or 24-hour, based on your preference. The smartwatch should provide clear indications of the selected format.

Once you have made your selection, save the changes by following the instructions provided by the smartwatch. This will ensure that your U8 smartwatch now displays time in the format you have chosen.

To confirm that the changes have taken effect, check the time display on your U8 smartwatch. The updated time format should now be visible, reflecting your preference.

Additional Customization Options

Aside from changing the time format, the settings menu on your U8 smartwatch may offer additional customization options. Take some time to explore these settings and personalize your smartwatch experience further.

You might find options to adjust the brightness, set alarms, customize watch faces, or even change the language settings. Feel free to experiment with these features to make your U8 smartwatch truly tailored to your needs.


In conclusion, changing the time format on your U8 smartwatch is a simple yet valuable customization that allows you to align the watch’s time display with your preference. By accessing the settings menu and navigating to the time format option, you can easily switch between a 12-hour or 24-hour format.

Remember to save the changes and verify the updated time display on your U8 smartwatch. Enjoy the convenience of having time presented in the format that suits you best.


  1. Q: Can I change the time format on my U8 smartwatch to a different language?
    A: No, the time format is specific to the display of hours and minutes. Language settings may be available separately.
  2. Q: Will changing the time format on my U8 smartwatch affect other functions or settings?
    A: No, changing the time format should only modify how the time is displayed. Other functions and settings will remain unaffected.
  3. Q: Can I switch between a 12-hour and 24-hour format multiple times?
    A: Yes, you can change the time format as often as you like to suit your needs and preferences.
  4. Q: Are the steps for changing the time format the same for all U8 smartwatch models?
    A: Generally, the steps to access the settings and change the time format are similar across U8 smartwatch models, but there might be slight variations. Refer to the user manual for your specific model for accurate instructions.
  5. Q: Is it possible to revert to the default time format if I change my mind?
    A: Yes, within the settings menu, you should have the option to switch back to the default time format if desired.