What Do The Fitbit Icons Mean?

If you own a Fitbit, you may have noticed the various icons that appear on the device’s screen. These icons provide important information about your fitness and sleep tracking progress. Understanding what these icons mean can help you get the most out of your Fitbit and achieve your health and fitness goals.

Fitbit Icons and Their Meanings

Activity Icons

Steps Icon

The steps icon displays the number of steps you have taken in a day. It is represented by a set of footprints. This icon updates in real-time as you move throughout the day.

Distance Icon

The distance icon shows how far you have traveled in a day. It is represented by a set of curved lines. This icon is based on the distance you have traveled, which is calculated using your stride length and the number of steps taken.

Calories Icon

The calories icon displays the number of calories you have burned in a day. It is represented by a flame icon. This icon is based on your basal metabolic rate, the number of steps taken, and the intensity of your physical activity.

Floors Icon

The floors icon displays the number of floors you have climbed in a day. It is represented by a set of stairs. This icon is based on the number of floors you have climbed, which is calculated using an altimeter sensor in the Fitbit.

Exercise Icons

Running Icon

The running icon appears when you are recording a run or jog. It is represented by a running person icon.

Workout Icon

The workout icon appears when you are recording a workout other than running, such as cycling or weightlifting. It is represented by a weight icon.

Stopwatch Icon

The stopwatch icon appears when you are timing an activity, such as a circuit training or a plank hold. It is represented by a stopwatch icon.

Sleep Icons

Asleep Icon

The asleep icon appears when you are sleeping. It is represented by a crescent moon icon.

Restless Icon

The restless icon appears when you are restless during sleep. It is represented by a tossing and turning icon.

Awake Icon

The awake icon appears when you are awake during the night. It is represented by a person sitting up in bed icon.

Miscellaneous Icons

Battery Icon

The battery icon displays the remaining battery life of your Fitbit. It is represented by a battery icon.

Bluetooth Icon

The Bluetooth icon appears when your Fitbit is connected to a device using Bluetooth. It is represented by a Bluetooth icon.

Heart Rate Icon

The heart rate icon displays your current heart rate. It is represented by a heart icon.


In conclusion, understanding the Fitbit icons can be incredibly useful when it comes to tracking your fitness and sleep progress. By recognizing what each icon means, you can get a better understanding of how your body is functioning and how your lifestyle habits may be impacting your health. Additionally, knowing how to read the icons can help you troubleshoot any issues you may be having with your Fitbit.

To summarize, the Fitbit icons provide important information about your fitness and sleep tracking progress. There are different icons for steps, distance, calories, floors, running, workouts, stopwatch, asleep, restless, awake, battery, Bluetooth, and heart rate. By understanding what each icon represents, you can use your Fitbit more effectively to achieve your health and fitness goals.


How do I reset my Fitbit icon settings?

To reset your Fitbit icon settings, you need to perform a factory reset on your device. This can be done by going to the settings menu on your Fitbit and selecting “About.” From there, you can select “Factory Reset” and follow the prompts to complete the reset process.

How accurate are the Fitbit icons for tracking activity and sleep?

While the Fitbit icons are generally accurate for tracking activity and sleep, there may be some margin of error depending on the device and the individual user. It is important to remember that the Fitbit is a consumer-grade device and may not be as accurate as medical-grade equipment.

Can I customize the Fitbit icons to display different information?

Unfortunately, you cannot customize the Fitbit icons to display different information. However, you can choose which icons you want to see on your device and in what order they appear.

What do I do if the Fitbit icons are not displaying correctly?

If the Fitbit icons are not displaying correctly, you can try resetting your device, updating the firmware, or contacting Fitbit customer support for assistance.

Can I track my heart rate continuously using the Fitbit?

Yes, most Fitbit devices are capable of tracking your heart rate continuously throughout the day. This can help you monitor your cardiovascular health and fitness levels.