Why Is My Apple Watch Tracking Calories Burned Incorrectly?

If you’re an Apple Watch user, you might have noticed that it tracks your daily activity, including the number of calories burned. This feature is especially useful if you’re trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle or lose weight.

However, some users have reported that their Apple Watch is not accurately tracking the number of calories burned during their workouts or daily activities. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why your Apple Watch might be tracking calories burned incorrectly and what you can do to fix it.

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Incorrect Personal Information

One of the main reasons why your Apple Watch may not be accurately tracking calories burned is incorrect personal information. The Apple Watch uses personal information such as age, height, weight, and gender to estimate the number of calories burned during physical activities. If this information is incorrect or outdated, it can cause the Apple Watch to miscalculate the number of calories burned.

To ensure that your Apple Watch is using accurate personal information, you can update your profile in the Health app on your iPhone. Open the Health app, tap on your profile picture, and then select “Edit” to update your personal information.

Improper Wearing of the Apple Watch

Another reason why your Apple Watch may not be tracking calories burned correctly is that it is not being worn correctly. The Apple Watch needs to be worn snugly on the wrist, with the heart rate sensor in contact with the skin, to accurately track physical activity and calories burned.

If you’re wearing the Apple Watch too loosely or not positioning it correctly on your wrist, it may not be able to accurately detect your heart rate and, as a result, miscalculate the number of calories burned.

Faulty Sensors

The Apple Watch uses a variety of sensors to track physical activity, including the heart rate sensor, accelerometer, and gyroscope. If any of these sensors are faulty or not working properly, it can cause the Apple Watch to miscalculate the number of calories burned.

To check if your sensors are working properly, you can run a diagnostics test on your Apple Watch. Open the Watch app on your iPhone, go to General > About, and then tap on the name of your watch. Next, scroll down to the bottom and select “Diagnostics & Usage.” From there, you can run a diagnostics test to check if all the sensors are working properly.

Inaccurate Activity Settings

The Apple Watch offers different activity settings, including “Outdoor Walk,” “Indoor Walk,” “Outdoor Run,” and “Indoor Run.” Each of these settings has different metrics for calculating the number of calories burned based on the type of physical activity.

If you’re using the wrong activity setting, it can cause the Apple Watch to miscalculate the number of calories burned. For example, if you’re using the “Outdoor Walk” setting for a brisk run, the Apple Watch may not be able to accurately calculate the number of calories burned.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why your Apple Watch may be tracking calories burned incorrectly, including incorrect personal information, improper wearing of the watch, faulty sensors, and inaccurate activity settings. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your Apple Watch is accurately tracking the number of calories burned during your workouts and daily activities.

If you’re still experiencing issues with your Apple Watch, it may be worth contacting Apple support for further assistance. With accurate tracking of physical activity and calories burned, you can achieve your fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle.