How To Change A Fossil Watch Battery?

Watches are an essential accessory for most people. They not only tell the time but also complete your look. However, the battery of a watch may need to be changed after a certain period. In this article, we will discuss how to change a Fossil watch battery.

Reasons for Changing the Battery of a Fossil Watch

A Fossil watch battery may need to be changed for various reasons. The most common reason is that the battery has died, and the watch has stopped working. Another reason could be that the watch is not functioning correctly, indicating that the battery needs to be replaced. Therefore, it is essential to know how to change the battery of your Fossil watch to avoid any inconvenience.

Tools Needed for Changing the Battery

Before you start changing the battery of your Fossil watch, you need to ensure that you have the following tools:

  1. A replacement battery
  2. A small screwdriver
  3. Tweezers
  4. A soft cloth

Steps for Changing the Battery of a Fossil Watch

Here are the steps you need to follow to change the battery of your Fossil watch:

Step 1: Determine the Type of Battery Needed

The first step is to determine the type of battery required for your Fossil watch. You can do this by checking the user manual or looking for the battery type inscribed on the back of the watch.

Step 2: Open the Back of the Watch

The second step is to open the back of the watch. To do this, you need to use a small screwdriver to remove the back cover of the watch. Ensure that you are gentle and do not damage the watch’s back.

Step 3: Remove the Old Battery

The third step is to remove the old battery from the watch. You can use a pair of tweezers to remove the old battery gently. Be careful not to damage the battery or the watch.

Step 4: Insert the New Battery

The fourth step is to insert the new battery into the watch. Ensure that you insert the battery correctly with the positive side facing up. You can use tweezers to hold the battery while inserting it into the watch.

Step 5: Close the Back of the Watch

The final step is to close the back of the watch. Use a screwdriver to put the back cover in place. Ensure that the screws are tight but not too tight, as this can damage the watch.

Tips for Changing the Battery

Here are some tips to keep in mind while changing the battery of your Fossil watch:

  • Use a high-quality replacement battery
  • Be gentle while opening the back cover of the watch
  • Use tweezers to handle the battery
  • Do not touch the battery with your fingers
  • Ensure that the battery is correctly inserted
  • Tighten the screws gently


In conclusion, changing the battery of a Fossil watch is not a difficult task if you have the necessary tools and follow the steps carefully. It is essential to ensure that you handle the watch and the battery gently to avoid any damage. By following the steps mentioned above, you can easily change the battery of your Fossil watch and keep it functioning correctly.


How often should I change the battery of my Fossil watch?

The battery of a Fossil watch usually lasts between 2-3 years, depending on usage. It is recommended to change the battery every 2-3 years to ensure that your watch functions correctly.

Can I change the battery of my Fossil watch myself?

Yes, you can change the battery of your Fossil watch yourself if you have the necessary tools and follow the steps carefully. However, if you are not confident in doing it yourself, it is best to take it to a professional.

What if my Fossil watch is still not working after changing the battery?

If your Fossil watch is still not working after changing the battery, it could be due to other reasons such as a damaged circuit or water damage. In such cases, it is best to take it to a professional.

Do I need to replace the gasket while changing the battery of my Fossil watch?

It is recommended to replace the gasket while changing the battery of your Fossil watch to ensure that it remains water-resistant.

Can I use any replacement battery for my Fossil watch?

No, it is important to use a replacement battery that is compatible with your Fossil watch. You can find the correct battery type in the user manual or on the back of the watch.

Can I wear my Fossil watch immediately after changing the battery?

Yes, you can wear your Fossil watch immediately after changing the battery. However, ensure that the back cover is tightly closed and that the watch is functioning correctly before wearing it.

Can I clean my Fossil watch while changing the battery?

Yes, you can clean your Fossil watch while changing the battery. Use a soft cloth to wipe the watch and ensure that there is no debris or dust in the battery compartment.

Can I change the battery of a Fossil smartwatch?

Yes, you can change the battery of a Fossil smartwatch. However, it is recommended to take it to a professional as it may require special tools and expertise.

How much does it cost to change the battery of a Fossil watch?

The cost of changing the battery of a Fossil watch depends on various factors such as the model of the watch and the location. It can range from $10 to $30.

Can I reuse the old battery of my Fossil watch?

No, it is not recommended to reuse the old battery of your Fossil watch. It may not function correctly and can damage the watch. Always use a new, high-quality replacement battery.