How To Open A Fossil Watch?

Fossil watches are a popular choice for both men and women. Not only are they stylish, but they are also made with high-quality materials that can last for years. However, as with any watch, a fossil watch will eventually need a new battery.

When that time comes, you’ll need to know how to open the watch in order to replace the battery. In this article, we’ll go over the steps involved in opening a fossil watch, as well as some tips for maintaining it.

Introduction: Why Opening a Fossil Watch is Necessary

As we mentioned earlier, a fossil watch will eventually need a new battery. While you could take it to a jeweler or watch repair shop to have the battery replaced, you’ll save money by doing it yourself. Plus, it’s a fairly simple process that anyone can do with the right tools and some basic instructions.

Preparing to Open a Fossil Watch

Tools Required

Before you begin, you’ll need a few tools to help you open the watch. These include:

  • A watch case opener
  • A watch case holder
  • A small flathead screwdriver
  • A pair of tweezers

Creating a Safe Work Space

It’s important to have a clean, well-lit workspace when you’re working with small parts. Make sure you have a table or desk to work on, and lay out a soft cloth or towel to protect the watch face and keep small parts from rolling away.

Taking Precautions

Before you begin working on your watch, be sure to remove any jewelry that could scratch the watch face or get caught on the small parts. Also, be sure to ground yourself by touching a metal object to discharge any static electricity that could damage the watch.

Steps: How To Open A Fossil Watch?

1. Removing the Watch Strap

The first step in opening a fossil watch is to remove the watch strap. Look for the small pins that hold the strap in place, and use the small flathead screwdriver to push them out. Be sure to keep track of the pins, as you’ll need them to reattach the strap later.

2. Removing the Watch Back

Once the strap is removed, you’ll need to remove the watch back. Use the watch case opener to pry open the back of the watch. Be careful not to scratch the watch case or damage the gasket that keeps the watch waterproof.

3. Removing the Battery

With the watch back removed, you’ll be able to see the battery. Use the tweezers to carefully remove the old battery. Be sure to note the position of the battery, as you’ll need to put the new one in the same way.

4. Replacing the Battery

Take the new battery and insert it into the watch, making sure it’s in the same position as the old one. Use the tweezers to press it into place.

5. Putting the Watch Back Together

With the new battery in place, it’s time to put the watch back together. Start by carefully replacing the gasket, making sure it’s properly seated to maintain the watch’s water resistance. Then, use the watch case holder to hold the watch case in place while you use the watch case opener to snap the back into place.

Tips for Maintaining Your Fossil Watch

Now that you know how to open a fossil watch to replace the battery, it’s important to take proper care of it to ensure it continues to function properly. Here are a few tips for maintaining your fossil watch:

1. Proper Cleaning Techniques

To keep your watch looking and functioning its best, it’s important to clean it regularly. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe down the watch case and band. If the watch is water-resistant, you can also rinse it under running water to remove any dirt or grime.

2. Storage Tips

When you’re not wearing your fossil watch, it’s important to store it properly to prevent damage. Keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. If you’re not going to wear it for an extended period of time, consider removing the battery to prevent corrosion.


Opening a fossil watch to replace the battery is a simple process that anyone can do with the right tools and a little patience. By following the steps we’ve outlined in this article, you’ll be able to keep your fossil watch running smoothly for years to come. And by taking proper care of it, you’ll ensure that it continues to look great and function properly for as long as possible.


How often do I need to replace the battery in my fossil watch?

The battery in a fossil watch typically lasts 1-2 years, depending on usage.

Can I replace the battery in my fossil watch myself?

Yes, you can replace the battery in your fossil watch yourself with the right tools and instructions.

Do I need to replace the gasket when I open my fossil watch?

It’s recommended to replace the gasket when you open your fossil watch to maintain its water resistance.

Can I use any type of battery in my fossil watch?

No, it’s important to use the specific type of battery recommended for your fossil watch to ensure proper function.

How do I know if my fossil watch is water-resistant?

Check the specifications for your specific model of fossil watch to see if it’s water-resistant and up to what depth.

How should I clean my fossil watch?

Use a soft, lint-free cloth to wipe down the watch case and band. If the watch is water-resistant, you can also rinse it under running water to remove any dirt or grime.

Can I wear my fossil watch in the shower or swimming pool?

It depends on the water resistance rating of your specific model of fossil watch. Check the specifications to see if it’s safe to wear in water.

What should I do if I accidentally scratch the watch face of my fossil watch?

If you scratch the watch face of your fossil watch, take it to a jeweler or watch repair shop to have it repaired or replaced.

How do I know if my fossil watch needs servicing?

If your fossil watch is running slow, fast, or not at all, it may need servicing. Take it to a jeweler or watch repair shop to have it checked.